Waterfall realistically and physically represents slate, an ancient and natural stone. The
colours, in grey scale, vary from the darkest tone, “dark flow”, to the lightest, “ivory flow”, recalling the natural oxidation process of the stone, a material that is under continuous transformation, changing colour, shape, and structure, and adapting itself to the evolution of
natural phenomenon.
colours, in grey scale, vary from the darkest tone, “dark flow”, to the lightest, “ivory flow”, recalling the natural oxidation process of the stone, a material that is under continuous transformation, changing colour, shape, and structure, and adapting itself to the evolution of
natural phenomenon.
12×24 | 24×24 | 24×48 | 16×36, 36×36 | 19×39, 39×39 | 39×118
natural, lappato, grip
mosaics, decos, trims
5.5mm, 9.5mm, 2cm
Special order from Italy